Monday, January 21, 2008

Souls engraved

One of my all-time favourite pleasures when visiting countries is to explore car boot sales. One can find a myriad of treasures there, all with a history of their own. Hold that horrible 50's lamp to your ear and you can hear whispers of lovers' tiffs. Open wide that old Applied Mathematics school book and run your nose over its willing spine. You'll detect many a tedious hour of a child spent gazing out at the early spring through grubby school window panes.

Most intriguing are photos, for none like them offer their story up so ungrudgingly. The very souls of their protagonists are proudly engraved on yellowing paper.

Who is that tastefully dressed gentleman in front of the drinks kiosk in St John's square? He holds his cigarette so elegantly to his waist, his eyes looking away into the distance, a wisp of hair flying above his head. Who are those young ladies chaperoned by their frumpy aunt on an outing by the sea on a lovely sunny day?

I have started a small collection of old photos. Perhaps at some point I will organise them and feature them online. It's hardly an original idea. Someone has already got there before me but perhaps mine will be themed by country and city. Anyone throwing out photos of people he or she does not recognise any more, I beg you, please, send them to me and I promise to cherish them forever.

PS. The photos above were bought from a car boot sale that is open every Sunday morning in Birgu, in a parking lot close to Cafe Riche. The other regular car boot sale I know of is that in Razzett tal-Hbiberija centre for the disabled.

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